Pastor’s Bible Study: Job
Leader: Dr. Adam Dooley
Location: JFC 100/101 | 6PM
Description: Walk with our Pastor through the Book of Job, gleaning Insight regarding the difficult questions every person asks about suffering, the limitations of human wisdom, as well as the majesty and mercy of our sovereign God. You will enjoy the combination of rich teaching and interactive dialogue which marks these weekly sessions.

America and the Last Days: the Bible and Signs of the Times
Leader: Dr. Linn Stranak
Location: WC 115 | 6PM
Description: As our world experiences rapid change in uncertain times, this study will examine what the Scriptures reveal is on the horizon, including the Rapture, the Great Tribulation, Christ’s 1000 year reign and eternity to follow.


Sign Language Class
Leader: Sandra Summers
Location: WEB 131 | 6PM
Description: Did you know the Deaf are the most unreached people group in the world? There are over 70 million deaf people worldwide and only 2% are believers. Join Sandra Summers as she leads a beginner’s class in sign language!

Lessons will be taken from: Sign Language Made Simple, 2nd Edition by Edgar Lawrence. A textbook is not necessary. 


33: The Series (For Men)
Leader: Chris Melton
Location: WEB 132 | 6PM
Description: There are so many voices out there that are telling you what it means to be a man. Discover God’s design for men with a clear definition and inspiring vision of Authentic Manhood. In this study, you will recognize the “Manhood Realities” confronting all of us, the Biblical design and definition of manhood, as well as you God-ordained roles for each season of life.


Keep It Shut
Leader: Betsy Taylor
Location: WEB 200 | 6PM
Description: Keep It Shut is a six-session, video-based small group Bible study that explores how to control the tongue. In this study, Karen gives women practical, biblically based steps for knowing what to say and how to say it, as well as when it is better to say nothing at all. Each session will feature a different character from the Bible. Keep It Shut explores the hows and how-not-to of dealing with our own words (and our silences), so that you can reduce regret and relational tension and deepen your relationship with God, the one true Word.


Keys to Freedom
Leader: Erin Wagner
Location: WEB 202 | 6PM
Description: Keys to Freedom is a closed Bible Study for women only. This study features daily assignments—a combination of Bible study, reflection questions, and prayer. Questions are designed to challenge women to examine their lives honestly and prayerfully in light of the principles and Scriptures they are studying. This study will take you on an eight-part, interactive journey with God to explore: Hearing God’s voice, committing and connecting with Christ, renewing your mind, choosing to forgive, healing life’s hurts, breaking generational patterns, using your authority in Christ, and maintaining life-long freedom.




Pastor's Bible Study
Leader: Jon Kenney
Location: Room 120 | 6PM
Description: Join us as we walk verse-by-verse through the book of Acts, learning about the early church and all God did to lay the foundation for us today.

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